Thundersnow Tournament Schedule


Schedule, Rules & OWHA Tournament Website:

The full tournament Schedule and Rules for both the U9-U18 divisions, as well as the U7 Jamboree, are attached for your reference and to share with your team.

You can also find the schedule and standings on the OWHA Collingwood Thundersnow Classic website. Unfortunately, this website is not the simplest to navigate. Please follow the steps below to access our tournament games/standings/leaders pages for each of our divisions.

  1. Visit 

  2. Click on Tournaments (there are two tabs labeled 'Tournaments', choose the one on the lower banner) 

    3. Click on Collingwood Thundersnow Classic

    4. Scroll down to the bottom of the tournament list and you will notice that all the divisions for our tournament will be visible 

    5. Choose the division you'd like to view and click on it. From there you may choose Games, Standings, and/or individual team information.

    6. Unfortunately, the OWHA website does not have their site set up to go back one screen at a time so if you wish to view another team in a division or another division, you will be sent back to the tournament list page and you will need to click through the process outlined above again. 

*A QR code to the OWHA tournament website will be posted at our five arenas, however, families will need to use the information above to navigate to the correct place. Please share the information above with your player's families.


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