February Newsletter and Lightning Updates

Feb. 13, 2025

Say Cheese!

Photo Retake Date is set for Friday February 21st, upstairs at Central Arena, 6:30-7:20pm. Please come fully dressed, with sticks. Skates are not required. Hockey bags can be placed in the small room upstairs. 

Winter Fundamentals photo date is confirmed for Friday Feb 21st, upstairs at Central Arena. Last names A-M please arrive between 5:30-6:20pm for your photos. Last names L-Z please come upstairs after practice 7:30-8pm. Please come fully dressed with sticks, skates are not necessary. 


Lightning Spirit Day and Hockey For Hope

Please save the date and plan to attend! Hockey for Hope, in support of My Friend’s House is BACK, in partnership with our Lightning Spirit Day.

My Friend’s House provides shelter and crisis support, and advocates for equity for women and children in the South Georgian Bay area who are experiencing gender-based violence and abuse. On Saturday February 22nd, Lightning teams will play for the women and children in our community.

Call for Volunteers!

  1. Coffee Sale & MFH Collection Volunteers, Eddie Bush 8-10am
  2. Volunteer Bakers
  3. Table & MFH Collection Volunteers, Central Park, 3-9pm

If you can lend a hand, please email; Kate at lightninggoaltending@gmail.comAll proceeds on Feb 22nd will be donated to My Friend’s House.

Come and cheer on our Lightning Teams! Face painting, cotton candy, bake sale, 50/50 and a chance to WIN PWHL tickets! Drop off your MFH donations to any location during these game times. Spread the word!


Eddie Bush

8am U9 White Lightning vs North Simcoe Capitals

9am U7 Little Lightning vs Barrie Sharks

10am U9B Lightning vs North Simcoe Capitals


Central Park Arena

4pm U9 Blue Lightning vs Barrie Sharks

5pm U13 Blue Lightning vs Barrie Sharks

6pm U13 White Lightning vs U13 Silver Lightning

7pm U15 White Lightning vs Barrie Sharks

8pm U18 Lightning vs Orillia Hawks


Power Skating Program

The Collingwood Skating Club is excited to announce that registration is now open for a new 8-week Power Skating Program!

This is a perfect program for those looking to enhance their skating skills ahead of playoffs or try-outs! 

Program Dates: March 5th - April 30th

Time: 7:00 AM - 7:50 AM

Location: Eddie Bush Memorial Arena

Cost: $200 + Skate Canada Fee

This program focuses on:

Balance, control, and agility

Power, speed, and technique

Improving transitions and quick stops

The program is ideal for skaters aged 10+ who are already comfortable with one-foot skills and skating backwards. Coaches Erika Engel and Liz (Elizabeth) Manley are both certified Skate Canada Power Skating coaches, and ready to help players take their skills to the next level!

Registration is now open! 

Sign up here: https://www.collingwoodskatingclub.com/registration/

2025-2026 Volunteer Coach Applications are OPEN

For further information and to access the coach application/google form please visit our WEBSITE

Please be aware of the following key dates: 

Competitive/Rep Applications:

--> March 2nd: Application submission deadline

--> March 16th - 30th: In-person interviews

--> Coaching positions will be announced no later than April 21st.

House/Local League Applications:

--> June 1st : application submission deadline

--> June 9th - 23rd : in-person interviews

--> Coaching positions will be announced by July 7th.

Please send any questions to: treasurer@collingwoodgirlshockey.com

 “A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life”.


Volunteer Coach/Staff Evaluation Form is OPEN

As we begin to gather feedback on the current season, and look ahead to placing Coaches at the helm of our teams for the 2025-2026 season, COLGHA would like to invite all of its membership to complete a 2024-2025 Coaches' Evaluation form. A separate form will need to be completed for each team with which you would like to provide feedback.

This opportunity for feedback is available now until February 23, 2025 at 11:55 pm. 

Please consider taking a few minutes to complete and submit this form as it is very helpful for the growth and development of our current Coaches, and does provide great insights for the selection of our 2025-2026 Head Coaches.

2024-2025 COLGHA Coaches' Evaluation

Thank you for your time and commitment to girls hockey in Collingwood and surrounding areas.



Information on Spring Tryouts for the 2025-2026 Hockey Season

COLGHA will look to offer U11B/BB, U13BB, U13B, U15BB, U15B, U18B, U18BB for the 2025-2026 season pending registration numbers and player/team abilities. Tryouts for these divisions will take place in the spring.

U9B and Senior A/B/C tryouts will take place in the fall, pending tryout packages purchased. 

Please take the time to READ THROUGH the tryout information for Spring Tryouts. Visit our WEBSITE for details. Tryout registration will open towards the end of March. 

Preskates and tryout ice time has been posted to our website. Please visit our Master Calendar to view all scheduled ice times. Note that each icetime has tryout specifics, you must click on the time to view the details, for example 

U13 Preskates Practice @ Collingwood Eddie Bush Arena

Team Practice

@ Collingwood Eddie Bush Arena

Wed, Apr. 23, 2025 6:00 PM - 6:50 PM

GROUP A (last names A-L)


Summer 3v3 and Summer Goalie Clinics

Registered Lightning Players and Gal-Tenders will have the opportunity to attend hockey in flip flops! Once again, COLGHA Lightning is hosting our Summer 3v3 and Goalie Clinics. 

3v3, Wednesdays starting July 2nd- August 27th, Central Arena

U9/11 5pm

U13/15 6pm

U18 7pm


Goalie Clinics, Mondays August 11th-25th, Central Arena

5pm or 6pm

Registration will open in May. Please be patient while we wait for the OWHA to flip over to a new season for registration. Price and further details TBA.


It’s been a Long Time Coming Documentary March 29th

We are very pleased to announce a former Lightning player, Emma Beckett has released a documentary about women in hockey and the growth of the game. Tickets for the event are on sale now!

From Emma Beckett

So happy to announce we’re holding a Collingwood premiere of “It’s Been a Long Time Coming” in support of my former hockey association Collingwood Girls Hockey Association! 

My years playing for and volunteering with the Collingwood Lightning changed the game of hockey for me. Growing up playing hockey in a male dominated league as sometimes the only girl on my team, the coaches, teammates and CGHA volunteers welcomed me with open arms and provided me with a second family I didn’t know I needed. 

As a way to give back to my incredible former hockey community, the majority of ticket sales will be donated to an aspiring female hockey player in need of financial support. Whether you’re a current Lightning player or have been interested in joining, please email me at emma.may.beckett@gmail.com with a statement on what hockey means to you and why you would benefit from this donation. Rylee and I will then choose a recipient based on the submissions. 

Tickets can be purchased here: 


I encourage attendees to wear their hockey jerseys to the premieres. We hope to see you there! 


Lightning Website and Social Media

Please follow our Facebook and Instagram  feeds for the latest photos and team news. If you haven’t seen your team, then become the person that updates us! You can either send your photos and caption to us at collingwoodgirlshockey@outlook.com or post it on Facebook, it will be approved and copied to Instagram.

Don’t forget to check in with our Website for full team schedules and further Lightning updates. Managers, please update our social media with your Team Sponsorship messages and logos!!


Mark Your Calendars 

OWHL Playoffs and Provincial Playdowns- Feb 17th through March 28th. 

OWHL Championships March 29th

SMGHL Championships March 22/23

Provincial Championships April 11-14

Banquet May 10th

Good luck for the rest of your season!

Cheers, COLGHA

Thank You to our Generous Sponsors!

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