Thundersnow Tournament Rules

2025 Collingwood Thundersnow Classic Tournament Rules
- The following age categories must adhere to the rules below U9, U11, U13, U15, U18. Separate Rules attached for the U7 as per Hockey Canada and OWHA Pathway.
- Hockey Canada and OWHA rules shall apply.
- All games from U11-U18 will consist of 3 periods (10-10-12 minutes), stop time. The U9 periods will be 3 periods (10-10-10 minutes).
- There will be a three (3) minute warm-up for the U11-U18 Divisions & a two (2) minute warm-up for U9’s prior to each game, and all games will begin immediately upon completion of the warm up, the clock will not be stopped.
- All teams MUST be available to play 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
- The OWHA minimum suspension guidelines will be enforced. All suspensions will be enforced according to the current OWHA Constitution, By-laws, and Regulations & Rules.
- Girls will shake hands after each game, with gloves on.
- If the goal spread at any time of the third period reaches 5 goals, the clock will run until the spread is reduced to 3 goals, then stop time will resume. The exception is when a time penalty is to be served where stop time will resume for the duration of the penalty.
- One - 30 second timeout will be allowed for each team at any time during regular time or overtime, ONLY during Elimination, Quarter, Semi & Championship games. There is NO TIMEOUT in Round Robin Games.
- A maximum of 19 players, including 2 goaltenders may be registered with each team.
- A player may only participate with one designated team in a tournament and may only participate in one tournament on any date.
- To be eligible to participate in the tournament, the player's name must appear on the team’s approved OWHA roster. In accordance with OWHA rules a team may use up to 3 pick-up players to replace absent rostered players who were not suspended. An OWHA "Tournament Pick-up Consent" form properly completed shall be submitted with tournament officials prior to the pick-up player participating in a game.
- Teams will be awarded two (2) points for a win, one (1) point for a tie and zero (0) points for a loss.
- Standings after the Round Robin will be calculated on the basis of the points awarded as per rule #13. Pending on the Division’s number of Teams a re-seeding will take place to determine the playoff teams.
In the event of a tie, the following criteria will be used to break the tie:
a) Winner between the tied teams when they played head-to-head. (Applies to 2-way ties only, 3 or more teams tied start with tied breakeb)
b)Most wins.
c) Percentage as calculated by dividing team’s total “Goals For” by the SUM of the team’s “Goals For and Goals Against”. TGF / (GF+GA) = % (See Chart)
d) Fewest Goals Against.
e) Most Goals For.
f) Fewest Penalty Minutes.
g) Coin Toss.
h) Follow Tie breaking rules in Order. Once a Tie Breaking Rule has been used or is not applicable it cannot be used again.
- Elimination, Quarter-Final, Semi-Final and Championship games are played until a winner is declared. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time a Sudden Victory five (5) minute overtime will commence. Teams will play 3 on 3 PLUS Goalies. (See format for rules) Players may be changed at any time. Goalies may be “pulled” at any time and a substitute player from the bench may be used. If still tied, a shootout will occur.
- Shoot Outs: Teams do not change ends for Overtime or Shoot Outs. Each team must designate 3 shooters (S1, S2, S3) directly onto a shootout sheet provided by the timekeeper/convenor prior to the start of the game. Any player serving a penalty at the end of overtime will not be eligible to participate in the shootout. All players except shooter and goalies will be on the bench. Once a player has shot, they will go to the penalty box. Shooters will shoot one at a time starting at centre ice, until all 3 designated shooters from each team have gone. If still tied, each team will designate one shooter at a time until there is a winner. A player may not shoot for a second time until all players on the game sheet (except goalies) have shot.
- Teams are encouraged to bring alternate jerseys. Home teams must wear light-coloured jerseys where possible. In the event of a conflict, the home team must change their jerseys. Visiting teams will advise the opposing team of any conflict 30 minutes prior to game time. Alternate jerseys may be used as required. Note: when a conflict involves a Collingwood Lightning team, the Collingwood team will change jerseys.
- All players and team officials must be signed in on the RAMP app by your team manager.
- Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game or between periods as required and may be deferred at the discretion of a tournament official.
- It is the team’s responsibility to ensure a clean dressing room is left upon completion of their game. All teams are requested to vacate the dressing room 20 minutes or less after their game is completed.
- All decisions of the Tournament Officials are final, NO appeals will be allowed!
**Championship Awards and Medals MAY be Presented Off-ice if deemed by Tournament Officials due to ice time constraints and will be presented at a determined location as required. We thank you for your anticipated support in this matter.